Collections Feature: Martyrs Mirror
Join us in the Mennonite Life Community Room for a special collections feature on the Martyrs Mirror. Archivist and Librarian Julia Wiker will provide an overview of the various editions of the Martyrs Mirror, and David Fuchs will speak on the history of the 1748 Ephrata Cloister Martyrs Mirror printing. The event will showcase various Dutch and German printings of the Martyrs Mirror dating back to the first edition published in 1660, as well as related early imprints from the Mennonite Life rare book collection. Featured items will be a condensed version of the Martyrs Mirror published in 1722, an early 1700s book of 115 illustration plates of martyrs, and an original copper plate used in printing the 1685 illustrated edition.
Phone: (717) 393-9745
Start Date
End Date
Event Time
07:00 pm - 08:00 pm
Mennonite Life Community Room
2215 Millstream Road
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17602