Her voice. His vision. Their story. ON YOUR FEET! is the inspiring true story about heart, heritage, and two people who believed in their talent – and each other – to become an international sensation: Emilio and Gloria Estefan. Now their story is an all-new exhilarating original musical winning the hearts of critics and audiences alike, with the Chicago Tribune declaring “IT’S A HIT!” and The New York Times cheering “The very air in the room seems to vibrate in this undeniably crowd-pleasing musical!” ON YOUR FEET! features some of the most iconic songs of the past quarter-century, including “Rhythm is Gonna Get You,” “Conga,” “Get On Your Feet,” “Don’t Want To Lose You Now,” “1-2-3,” and “Coming Out of the Dark.” Prepare to be on your feet from start to finish!

ON YOUR FEET! The Story Of Emilio & Gloria Estefan
Her voice. His vision. Their story. ON YOUR FEET! is the inspiring true story about heart, heritage, and two people who believed in their talent – and each other – to become an international sensation: Emilio and Gloria Estefan. Now their story is an all-new exhilarating original musical winning the hearts of critics and audiences alike, with the Chicago Tribune declaring “IT’S A HIT!” and The New York Times cheering “The very air in the room seems to vibrate in this undeniably crowd-pleasing musical!” ON YOUR FEET! features some of the most iconic songs of the past quarter-century, including “Rhythm is Gonna Get You,” “Conga,” “Get On Your Feet,” “Don’t Want To Lose You Now,” “1-2-3,” and “Coming Out of the Dark.” Prepare to be on your feet from start to finish!
Contact: Donna Haefner
Phone: (800) 648-4102
Start Date
End Date
American Music Theatre
2425 Lincoln Highway East
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17602