Organic Reflections Returns: Historic Organ Debut
The inaugural concert on the Hill Byrne Christiansen Memorial Organ will feature organist Larry Hershey in a concert that will include “Prelude on ‘Sine Nomini’” by Leo Sowerby, “Elegy” by John Ireland, and “Resurrection” from Symphonie-Passion by Marcel Dupre. The historic instrument is a restored and enhanced pipe organ built by the late Sebastian Gundling of Lancaster that is now installed in the balcony of the 1854 First Reformed Church.
The First Friday “Organic Reflections” concert series is a gift to the community from First Reformed Church, a center city congregation of the United Church of Christ. Only 30 minutes in length, the free concerts begin at 8 pm each First Friday for the convenience of those who wish to spend the early evening visiting downtown galleries before the concert. Doors open at 7:30 pm. All are welcome to hear 30 minutes of majestic music that will refresh your soul and inspire your spirit.
Contact: Rick Weinhold
Email: webmaster.FRCLancaster@gmail.com
Phone: (717) 397-5149
Start Date
End Date
Event Time
08:00 pm - 08:30 pm
First Reformed Church UCC
40 E Orange Street
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17602