Santa's Workshop
Visit with Santa, Mrs. Claus & an elf from 10am-Noon. Shop with your favorite crafters & vendors! Unique gifts for the “hard to buy for” on your list. Raffle prize drawings. Delicious Food available for purchase. Proceeds from the day will benefit the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life.
We will once again be collecting donations for Speranza Animal Rescue. Receive a FREE raffle ticket by bring any of the following:
Dog food, canned or dry
Moist dog treats
Durable dog toys
Disinfectant Spray
Floor Cleaner
Flea & tick preventatives
Paper towels
42 gallon (or larger) trash bags
New or used (CLEAN) bedding – blankets, sheets, comforters
Large towels (NO washcloths, hand towels or pillowcases please)
Phone: (717) 354-2656
Start Date
End Date
Event Time
09:00 am - 01:00 pm
Garden Spot Fire & Rescue
339 E. Main St.
New Holland, Alabama 17557