June is the perfect month to explore the many trails that now exist in Lancaster County. Marietta restaurant owner Freddy States is of the opinion that Lancaster County’s trails and the foodie movement beautifully complement each other. “People have become more health conscious,” he notes. “They can come here and walk or bike the trail and then enjoy one of our restaurants.” As you can see, many restaurants are in close proximity to the various trails.

Northwest Lancaster County River Trail
A Sampling of Trails
There are more than a dozen trails that dot the county, with several of those being rail trails. Rail trails were created along the abandoned railroad lines that once passed through the area. These trails are perfect for hiking, biking, walking, jogging, skating and more. The various park systems and organizations, such as the Lancaster County Conservancy, operate greenways and preserves that are conducive to outdoor activities.
Pennsylvania is actually one of the premier states that helped to launch the construction of rail trails. The Keystone State has over 100 rail trails consisting of more than 900 miles. Below are some of the trails you’ll find located within the county:
1 Chickies Rock Overlook Trail: (0.9-mile loop trail) Enjoy amazing views of the Susquehanna River and the surrounding communities of Columbia, Wrightsville and Marietta. Located at both River Front Park and on Furnace Road, Chiques Rock Outfitters offers rock climbing and kayaking packages as well as bicycle rentals. This trail mostly consists of dirt and gravel with some paved areas.
2Conestoga Greenway Trail: (1.3 miles) The paved multi-use trail extends from Conestoga Drive near Bridgeport to Lancaster County Central Park at the South Duke Street bridge and runs along the Conestoga River. Visitors says it’s great for hiking, biking, inline skating and walking your furry friends.
3Conewago Recreation Trail: (5 miles) This trail is located between Route 230 and the Lebanon County line, northwest of Elizabethtown. Formerly known as the Cornwall-Lebanon rail line, it follows the Conewago Creek through scenic farmland and woodlands. The trail is great for hiking, jogging, biking, horseback riding and cross-country skiing. Wheelchair accessible except for the intersection crossing at Mill Road.
4Dean L. Saylor Park: (1.2 miles) The park’s linear trail extends through Warwick Township and Lititz Borough. Consisting of asphalt and crushed stone, the trail is great for biking, inline skating, walking and cross-country skiing. It also features scenic landscape, playgrounds, farms and natural areas.
5Enola Low Grade Trail: (Approximately 27.6 miles in Lancaster & Chester counties) This riverside gem travels along the Susquehanna River and runs through several townships and communities, including Manor, Conestoga, Martic, Eden and Quarryville. Trail enthusiasts can enjoy biking, walking and cross-country skiing on this crushed stone trail. Visitors will also take notice of the many scenic views, including a 1947 restored caboose.
6Lancaster Junction Recreation Trail: (2.3 miles) This trail was formerly a part of the Reading-Columbia rail line. It runs between the hamlet of Lancaster Junction and Route 283 and past scenic farmland and beautiful meadows. The crushed-stone trail is ideal for biking, horseback riding (at a slow and steady pace) and walking.
7Middle Creek Trail: (1.25 miles) This gravel trail follows the path that was once the trolley line between Ephrata and Lebanon. It follows alongside Middle Creek and is covered in tall oak trees. Other trails crisscross this trail as well. Enjoy walking, hiking and viewing nature on
this trail.
8Northwest Corridor Linear Park: (0.7 miles) This trail can be found in Lancaster City between Harrisburg Pike and the 200 Block of West Lemon Street. The paved trail, also known as Mayor Janice P. Stork Corridor Park, has picnic tables and benches scattered throughout as well as a park area and small basketball court
alongside it.
9Northwest Lancaster County River Trail: (14.2 miles) This trail provides a scenic route for bike enthusiasts, inline skating, walking, cross-country skiing and fishing. The trail, which runs along the Susquehanna River from Columbia to Falmouth, is paved with a few areas made of crushed stone. Visitors will enjoy viewing historic ruins like the iron furnaces, timeworn canal locks and an old quarry.
10Warwick to Ephrata Rail-Trail: (approximately 7.5 miles) Sitting on an abandoned stretch of the former Reading & Columbia rail line, this trail passes through the communities of Lititz, Warwick Township, Ephrata and Akron. Visitors will enjoy scenic farmland views, historical sites, locally owned shops, restaurants and produce stands. The trail consists of asphalt, crushed stone and gravel.

Enola Low Grade Trail
Luca, lucalancaster.com
Penny’s Ice Cream, pennysicecreamtruck.com
Splits & Giggles, splitsandgiggles.com
Fresh Farms Café, freshfarmslancaster.com
The Fridge, beerfridgelancaster.com
Red Rose Tavern, redrosetavern.com
Oka Asian Fusion, okaasianfusion.com
Mr. Bill’s Seafood, mrbillsseafood.com
Checkers Bistro, checkersbistro.com
Callaloo Trinidadian Kitchen, callalootrinidadiankitchen.com
Conestoga Restaurant, conestogarestaurant.com
The Brasserie, lancasterbrasserie.com
The Daily Grind, dailygrindquarryville.com
Maplehofe Dairy, maplehofedairy.com
Dottie’s Snack Bar, Facebook
Quarryville Family Restaurant, Facebook
Sam’s New York Style Pizza & Italian Restaurant, samspizzaquarryville.com
Village Pizza, villagepizzaquarryville.com
CR Lapp’s Family Restaurant, crlappsfamilyrestaurant.com
Son’s, sonsice.com
Pour Girls, pourgirlsrestaurant.com
Conestoga Wagon Restaurant, theconestogawagon.com
Rocky B’s Ice Cream & Hot Food, Facebook
Frogtown Café, Facebook
Olde Lincoln House, oldelincolnhouse.com
Dutchmaid Deck, Facebook
The Udder Choice, Facebook
Brewster’s Bar-B-Que, brewstersbarbq.com
Griddle and Grind, griddle-grind-cafe.business.site
Foxchase Golf Club, foxchasegolf.com
T. J. Rockwells, tjrockwells.com
Lucky Ducks Bar & Grille, luckyducksbarandgrille.com
Black Gryphon, blackgryphon84.com
Country Meadows Restaurant, countrymeadowsrestaurant.food93.com
Folklore Coffee & Co., folklorecoffee.com

Northwest Lancaster County River Trail
Turkey Hill Experience, turkeyhillexperience.com
Bully’s Restaurant and Pub, bullys-restaurant.com
The Flour Child, theflourchild.com
Union Station Grill, unionstationgrill.net
Smith’s Hotel, Facebook
Black Olive Family Diner,
Central Manor Bakery and Grille, centralmanorbakery.com
Hinkles, hinklesrestaurant.com
Forklift & Palate, forkliftandpalate.com
The Cat’s Meow, thecatsmeowmanheim.com
The Shack Restaurant & Mini Golf, theshackmanheim.com
Brickhouse Café Manheim, Facebook
Kountry Kitchen, kountrykitchenrest.com
Chancey’s Pub, chanceyspub.net
McCleary’s Pub, mcclearyspub.com
Heart Café, heartcafemarietta.com
Nick’s Bistro, nicksbistromarietta.com
Shank’s Tavern, shankstavern.com
Pig Iron Brewing Co., pigironbrewingco.com
Stanley’s Trail Side, stanleystrailside.com
Little Italy, Facebook
GiGi’s Ice Cream Bar (seasonal), 717-314-9540
Railroad House Inn, railroadhouseinn.com
Bull’s Head Public House, bullsheadpublichouse.com
Rooster Street Butcher, roosterst.com
The Sutter, atthesutter.com
Tomato Pie Café, tomatopiecafe.net
JoBoy’s Brew Pub, joboysbrewpub.com
Appalachian Brewing Company, abcbrew.com/brew-pubs/lititz
Gravie Kitchen + Commons, itsgravie.com
Café Chocolate of Lititz, chocolatelititz.com
Brickerville House Family Restaurant, brickervillehouserestaurant.com
Zig’s Bakery, zigsbakery.com
Lititz Family Cupboard, lititzfamilycupboard.com/restaurant-buffet
Greco’s Italian Ices & Homemade Ice Cream, Facebook
Isabella’s Ice Cream Parlor, isabellasic.com
Stoner Grille, stonercommons.com
Be sure to pick up our sister publication, Dining in Lancaster County, for more outdoor ideas as well as restaurants that specialize in farm-to-table fare.
For a complete listing of Lancaster County Trails, go to Lancasterconservancy.org