July 2020

Outdoor Living … Pandemic-Style

After residing in their Reamstown home for nearly 20 years, Jeff and Darlene Dobbs decided it was time to make a change. They narrowed their options to moving to the ...Read More

Tomato Time!

Every kid has at least one food item they consider comparable to Superman’s kryptonite. Mushy Brussels sprouts, overcooked carrots, soggy cauliflower … yuck! One of my aversions that persisted for ...Read More

Drive-in Movie Theater Revival

When concerns over the spread of the coronavirus caused the cancellation of mass gatherings, theaters and arenas were forced to close. But, that didn’t put a total end to entertainment. ...Read More

Dining Out … at Home

Many restaurants have always offered take-out as part of their regular operations. However, the COVID-19 pandemic took take-out to another level when in-restaurant dining was prohibited during Gov. Wolf’s “stay-at-home” ...Read More

The Year of the Frog

According to the Garden Media Group, “A garden filled with amphibians indicates balance and a healthy ecosystem. An absence may indicate problems…”  Silence in a garden is not a good thing. ...Read More

Discover the Independent Retailers of Lancaster City

The vibrant variety of independent retail in Lancaster City will take center stage during Lancaster City Indie Retail Week from

August Angst

Sadly, summer is winding down and soon it will be back to the same old routine. Don’t despair; there are

Haint Blue

No, it’s not a Dutchy way of describing a shade of blue … wait a minute, turns out there might

Glass in the Garden

Dale Chihuly is once again putting the focus on glass as an artistic addition to gardens through the exhibit that

Lose Yourself Along Route 23

I know what you’re thinking … how could you possibly lose yourself  along busy Route 23 in Eastern Lancaster County?

Route 23 Corridor: A Variety of Dining Experiences

The Route 23 corridor from Leola to New Holland and beyond offers diverse and fun dining experiences. Choosing from the

The Golden Guernsey

In the shadow of the Welsh Mountains, a small herd of Guernsey cows grazes the rolling pasture. Operated by Dina

Recess! In the Courtyard

Recess! For a kid, that word ranks up there with “Christmas” and “snow day.” For the parents of Sacred Heart